• Volume 22,Issue 1,2011 Table of Contents
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    • Formalized Approach for Componentized Software Process Modeling

      2011, 22(1):1-16. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1001.2011.03769

      Abstract (9697) HTML (0) PDF 809.46 K (10712) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To address the problems of current approaches in software process reuse, in particular the low efficiency in reuse for the operational rules and for the lack of a precise definition of process components, a formalized approach for componentized software process modeling (CSPM) is presented in this paper. CSPM provides a mechanism to support the formal definition of reusable software process components and presents a series of rules to turn process components into a process model. By using CSPM, the reusage of process components can be conducted in a rigorous manner, and the potential errors caused by ambiguity in traditional non-formal modeling methods can be effectively avoided. CSPM can also turn the verification of a combined process model, against certain properties, into a series of sub-problems into its own corresponding components, making an original infeasible problem, under certain circumstances, into feasible ones by exponentially reducing the state space needed to be explored.

    • Component Model Supporting Trustworthiness-Oriented Software Evolution

      2011, 22(1):17-27. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1001.2011.03813

      Abstract (7845) HTML (0) PDF 1.21 M (11678) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Environment-Driven adaptation is an important means ensuring software integrity. Confronted with scenarios not anticipated during the developmental stage, the predefined adaptability of the software should be adjusted to ensure that its behavior agree with the users’ expectation. The premise of this kind of adjustment are efficient software engineering mechanisms. Based on the principles of the Separation of Concerns and the Dynamic Software Architecture (DSA) technology, this paper proposes a component model named ACOE (adaptive component model for open environment) that supports the online fine-grained adjustment to software adaptability. ACOE encapsulates adaptation concerns, such as sensing, decision, and execution into components, and connectors, and then supports their dynamic configuration with the DSA technology. As a result, a third-party can adjust the adaptability by selectively upgrading it when necessary. An ACOE container prototype and experimental applications are implemented to validate this approach.

    • >Review Articles
    • Experimental Comparisons of Semi-Supervised Dimensional Reduction Methods

      2011, 22(1):28-43. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1001.2011.03928

      Abstract (9666) HTML (0) PDF 825.89 K (16757) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Semi-Supervised learning is one of the hottest research topics in the technological community, which has been developed from the original semi-supervised classification and semi-supervised clustering to the semi-supervised regression and semi-supervised dimensionality reduction, etc. At present, there have been several excellent surveys on semi-supervised classification: Semi-Supervised clustering and semi-supervised regression, e.g. Zhu’s semi-supervised learning literature survey. Dimensionality reduction is one of the key issues in machine learning, pattern recognition, and other related fields. Recently, a lot of research has been done to integrate the idea of semi-supervised learning into dimensionality reduction, i.e. semi-supervised dimensionality reduction. In this paper, the current semi-supervised dimensionality reduction methods are reviewed, and their performances are evaluated through extensive experiments on a large number of benchmark datasets, from which some empirical insights can be obtained.

    • Constructing Goal Agenda and Macro Actions Using Proposition Relation Graphs in Planning

      2011, 22(1):44-56. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1001.2011.03861

      Abstract (6451) HTML (0) PDF 667.91 K (6624) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper focuses on graph properties of relaxed planning graph (RPG), a widely-used tool in automated planning. When proposition levels are extracted from RPG, and thus, used to build a proposition relation graph (PRG), it is found that PRG keeps primary planning properties in RPG. Preliminary research results include the following four aspects: The close pth out-neighborhoods (CON) of initial proposition set (IPS) is the relaxed reachable proposition set (R-RPS) in planning; the maximum distance from any proposition in initial state to any proposition in goal states is a reasonable estimation of the plan length; acyclic order in graph indicates that some orders that held corresponding propositions are necessary; contraction of in/out cut-vertex means construction of macro-action is currently being planned. The first and second results show PRG keeps planning properties in RPG, and the third and fourth results can be used in goal agenda building and macro-action construction. Three related algorithms are proposed: PRG in RPG finding algorithm, an O(mn2/4) (n is the number of propositions in RPG, m is the number of actions in RPG) algorithm; acyclic order reduction algorithm, an O(n+m) (n is the number of nodes in PRG, m is the number of edges in PRG) algorithm; macro action suggestion algorithm, an O(n2) (n is the number of nodes in PRG) algorithm.

    • Strategy of Extracting Domain Knowledge for STRIPS World Based on Derived Predicates

      2011, 22(1):57-70. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1001.2011.03726

      Abstract (6306) HTML (0) PDF 675.87 K (7241) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Domain knowledge acquisition is essential in the AI planning. Derived rule is a representation to the domain knowledge based on logical reasoning. On the basis of the action model and derived rules analysis, this paper proposes a strategy of extracting domain knowledge for STRIPS world based on derived predicates and the algorithm GetDomainRule for the strategy. The domain rules extracted by the algorithm are used to reduce the logical deduction of derived rules, enhancing the efficiency of the planning. For any domain, the mutex properties of any domain can be obtained between predicates from the domain rules, applied in judging the inconsistent planning state. Finally, the strategy proposed in this paper is embedded in the planner StepByStep and experiments are conducted to extract domain rules. Experimental results show the feasibility and validity of the algorithm GetDomainRule, and the domain rules extracted by the algorithm express the causal relations between predicates directly, providing reliable domain knowledge for determining the true values of derived predicates and the following planning.

    • >Review Articles
    • Study on Cloud Computing Security

      2011, 22(1):71-83. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1001.2011.03958

      Abstract (30356) HTML (0) PDF 781.42 K (59078) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Cloud Computing is the fundamental change happening in the field of Information Technology. It is a representation of a movement towards the intensive, large scale specialization. On the other hand, it brings about not only convenience and efficiency problems, but also great challenges in the field of data security and privacy protection. Currently, security has been regarded as one of the greatest problems in the development of Cloud Computing. This paper describes the great requirements in Cloud Computing, security key technology, standard and regulation etc., and provides a Cloud Computing security framework. This paper argues that the changes in the above aspects will result in a technical revolution in the field of information security.

    • Scalability of Internet Inter-Domain Routing

      2011, 22(1):84-100. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1001.2011.03935

      Abstract (8860) HTML (0) PDF 840.81 K (11413) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The problem of the scalability of inter-domain routing is of the main issues in the design of Next Generation Internet (NGI). This paper addresses the intrinsic essences of the problems created by the scalability of Internet routing by introducing the entropy routing information concept. Based on the theoretical model of entropy in routing information, potential solutions to the routing scalability problems are discussed, which focus on three different aspects with their respective benefits and limitations and their architectural evaluations on typical proposals. In the end, a conclusion on the challenges of the Internet routing scalability problem is drawn, and the direction of further research on this problem is explored.

    • Cooperative MAC for Wireless Networks

      2011, 22(1):101-114. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1001.2011.03936

      Abstract (10947) HTML (0) PDF 787.24 K (11991) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Cooperation Communication (CC) utilizes the antennas of idle nodes to create a virtual MIMO (multiple-input multiple-output) system. The CC can combat the fading in wireless links and achieve spatial diversity gains, which makes it a key technology for the next-generation wireless mobile networks. Nowadays, many researches focus on increasing the channel capacity, decreasing the energy consumption and outage probability by selecting appropriate cooperative nodes. New MAC (medium access control) mechanisms (cooperative MAC), however, are needed to satisfy the cooperation communication because the communication mode is changed in cooperation communication networks. In this paper, a survey on the cooperative MAC is given. The challenging issues for cooperative MAC are discussed, and some cooperative MACs are presented and analyzed. The research direction of cooperation MACs is discussed in the conclusion.

    • Survey and Analysis on the Internet Traffic Model

      2011, 22(1):115-131. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1001.2011.03950

      Abstract (13908) HTML (0) PDF 845.91 K (30663) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Internet traffic model is the key issue for network performance management, Quality of Service management, and admission control. The paper first summarizes the primary characteristics of Internet traffic, as well as the metrics of Internet traffic. It also illustrates the significance and classification of traffic modeling. Next, the paper chronologically categorizes the research activities of traffic modeling into three phases: 1) traditional Poisson modeling; 2) self-similar modeling; and 3) new research debates and new progress. Thorough reviews of the major research achievements of each phase are conducted. Finally, the paper identifies some open research issue and points out possible future research directions in traffic modeling area.

    • Concurrency-Related Complexities in Network Programming

      2011, 22(1):132-148. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1001.2011.03899

      Abstract (9628) HTML (0) PDF 852.82 K (18486) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The Internet has become a vital information infrastructure for modern society. However, the concurrent nature of network introduces a wide-range of difficulties in traditional programming methodology in developing high-quality network programs that significantly reduce productivity. The influence of concurrency on the complexity of software development is comparable to the “concurrency crisis” of software brought by multi-core processors, but it receives much less attention here than what it deserves. There is no universal approach to cope with this issue, and there are even disagreements between different approaches. In this paper, the basic concurrency models and their implementations are introduced, and then the paper surveys the inherent complexities of these approaches, comparing their advantages and disadvantages. Finally, this paper offers an opinion on the possibilities for future research on this topic.

    • Algorithms Improving the Storage Efficiency of Deep Packet Inspection

      2011, 22(1):149-163. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1001.2011.03724

      Abstract (6133) HTML (0) PDF 1.17 M (8520) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the rapid increase in the number of deep packet inspection rules, it is necessary to store deterministic finite automata (DFA) representations of regular expressions efficiently in order to meet the practical requirements of network processing. First, a new hybrid FSM construction method is proposed for compressing the states of DFA. DFAs are built in different ways for the regular expressions. By analyzing the states of the converted DFAs, the distinguished complexities of DFAs become noticeable. This leads to a change in state of the DFA from a quadratic/exponential expression to a linear expression. Next, an efficient compressing algorithm, called Weighted Delayed Input DFA (WD2FA), is proposed for state transitions of the DFAs. This algorithm can reach a reduction rate of about 95% for the regular expressions with any complexity. The analysis shows that the performance of the WD2FA is better than the delayed input DFA (D2FA), and D2FA is a special case of WD2FA with weight 0. The experimental results show that the number of states for the FSM can be controlled at the level of linearity, and transitions are reduced to 7% based on the compression states.

    • Dynamic Pointer Forwarding Scheme for HMIPv6 Networks

      2011, 22(1):164-176. DOI: 10.3724/SP.J.1001.2011.03743

      Abstract (6084) HTML (0) PDF 655.36 K (6615) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The recent pointer forwarding schemes for HMIPv6, without consideration of MAP’s (mobile anchor point) coverage, may lead to high registration and packet delivery costs. A dynamic pointer forwarding scheme for HMIPv6 networks (DPF-HMIPv6) is proposed in this paper. The scheme allows mobile nodes to execute pointer forwarding schemes, dynamically, in accordance with MAP’s coverage. The pointer forwarding scheme, based on the access router, is used on the condition that mobile node chooses an MAP with a coverage larger than a threshold to avoid frequent registration with MAP. Otherwise, the pointer forwarding scheme, based on MAP, is executed to avoid frequent registration with HA. The numerical simulation results show that this scheme settles the problems better than existing schemes and markedly reduces the cost of HMIPv6 networks.

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