• Volume 14,Issue 4,2003 Table of Contents
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    • A Temporal Logic-Based Software Architecture Description Language XYZ/ADL

      2003, 14(4):713-720.

      Abstract (5468) HTML (0) PDF 620.00 K (7500) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The architecture description language (ADL) is the foundation of software development based on software architecture. An ADL supporting stepwise refinement can make it more convenient that a good design leads to a good implementation. The architecture description language XYZ/ADL can support the stepwise transition from higher-level architectures to lower-level architectures, because it is based on the temporal logic language (TLL) XYZ/E, which can represent both dynamic semantics and static semantics under a unified logical framework. In this paper, the framework and syntax of XYZ/ADL is presented and its underlying semantics is explained using XYZ/E, and how to describe software architecture and software architecture style using XYZ/ADL is introduced.

    • ABC: An Architecture Based, Component Oriented Approach to Software Development

      2003, 14(4):721-732.

      Abstract (9407) HTML (0) PDF 835.82 K (9794) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The component-based software reuse and development is considered as an effective and efficient approach to improve the productivity and quality of software development, and is applied widely in building distributed systems. But, current software component technologies are concentrating mostly on component implementation models and runtime interoperability, lacking systematic approach to guide the whole development process. Recently, the research on software architecture (SA) has made significant progress, which takes components as fundamental units and provides a top-down approach to component-oriented development by describing the gross structure and features of software systems. In this paper, an SA-based component-oriented development approach is proposed, trying to offer an effective systematic solution for component-based reuse. This approach introduces the software architecture into each phase of software lifecycle, takes SA as the blueprint of system development, shortens the gap between high-level design and implementation by toolkit support, and realizes the automated system composition on runtime component underpinning platforms.

    • An Agent Architecture Based on Situation Calculus

      2003, 14(4):733-742.

      Abstract (4351) HTML (0) PDF 813.54 K (5584) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Agent architecture is an important topic in the current research of Agent. Based on BDI model and situation calculus, an Agent architecture called AASC (Agent architecture based on situation calculus), which can depict various features, especially autonomy of Agent, is presented in this paper. Since AASC provides the facilities for representing mental states of Agent, such as belief, goal, strategy and so on, reasoning about action and planning, it can serve as a uniform platform for interpreting the autonomy of Agent and constructing various types Agents.

    • A Java-Oriented Distributed Program Testing System

      2003, 14(4):743-749.

      Abstract (4300) HTML (0) PDF 276.80 K (5586) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Because the program is running in a distributed way, both the concurrent features and the runtime environments should be taken into account when testing a distributed program. A Java oriented distributed program test system is put forward in this paper, which is called JDPT (Java-oriented distributed program testing system). JDPT defines events based on the runtime environments, records execution processes of the distributed program as event sequences, and defines event sequencing constraints to check the validity of those feasible set of event sequences. By the technology, the JDPT can effectively estimate the correctness of concurrent executions of the tested program within distributed environments, and can be used to test Java programs running upon multiple platforms.

    • An Approach of Model Checking UML Statecharts

      2003, 14(4):750-756.

      Abstract (4344) HTML (0) PDF 668.25 K (6149) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:UML (unified modeling language) has been widely used in software development. Verifying if a UML model meets the required properties has become a key issue. An approach of model checking UML Statecharts is given in this paper. At first, the UML Statecharts is structurally expressed by extended hierarchical automata. Then, the deduction rules of operational semantics are defined. The correctness of operational semantics can be ensured through finding the maximal non-conflict transition set. For the system with infinite runs, the operational semantics can be mapped to a Büchi automaton. Linear temporal logic properties of the system can be verified based on the automata theory of model checking. The method of verifying a complex multi-object system modeled by Statecharts and collaboration diagram is also presented in this paper.

    • A Workflow Instance Migration Approach Based on the Extended-Task-Structures

      2003, 14(4):757-763.

      Abstract (3788) HTML (0) PDF 560.27 K (4590) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Workflow instance migration is a typical and important problem in the research of workflow evolution. Underlying the definitions of the extended-task-structures based workflow, some rules, conditions and an algorithm for workflow instance migration are presented, which are suited to generic dynamic changes. By the comparisons with other similar research works, the advantages of the approach in terms of applicability, universality, correctness and practicality are illustrated.

    • Process Neural Network with Time-Varied Input and Output Functions and Its Applications

      2003, 14(4):764-769.

      Abstract (4100) HTML (0) PDF 663.81 K (5753) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to solve the problems in real systems where inputs and outputs are time-varied continuous functions, a process neural network model based on expansion of base functions is proposed in this paper. In this model, the continuous input-output mapping of the system is realized by nonlinear mapping capability to the time variable of process neural networks. A learning algorithm is also given in this paper. In order to simplify the algorithm, orthogonal functions are selected as base functions, and the effectiveness of the model and the algorithm is proved by simulation of oil reservoir exploitation.

    • Theory of Fuzzy Quotient Space (Methods of Fuzzy Granular Computing)

      2003, 14(4):770-776.

      Abstract (9153) HTML (0) PDF 717.29 K (9299) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the quotient space model is extended to the fuzzy granular world and two main conclusions are given. First, the following four statements are equivalent: (1) a fuzzy equivalence relation given in universe X, (2) a normalized isosceles distance given in quotient space [X], (3) a hierarchical structure given in X, (4) a fuzzy knowledge base given in X. Second, the whole world with different fuzzy granularities composes a complete semi-order lattice. The results provide a powerful mathematical model and tool for granule computing.

    • >Review Articles
    • A Survey of Analysis Methods of Topological Relations Between Spatial Regions

      2003, 14(4):777-782.

      Abstract (7627) HTML (0) PDF 566.75 K (7438) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The development of formal models of spatial relations is an important topic in spatial reasoning, geographic information systems (GIS) and computer vision, and has gained much attention from researchers during the recent years. In particular significant progress has been made in the models of topological relations between spatial regions. The primary research contents, methods and advancements of formal analysis for topological relations between spatial regions are proposed. Existent problems and future research directions are also discussed.

    • Face Recognition Based on Singular Value Decomposition and Discriminant KL Projection

      2003, 14(4):783-789.

      Abstract (5365) HTML (0) PDF 615.97 K (7311) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The face recognition is an active subject in the fields of computer vision and pattern recognition, which has a wide range of potential applications. In this paper, a method for color face recognition is presented, this algorithm extracts the final features by utilizing the techniques of the simulative K-L transform, the singular value decomposition, the principal component analysis and the Fisher linear discriminant analysis. Classifier in this algorithm can be simplified to make it more compact and effective, and higher correct recognition rate can be gained using less number of feature vectors. The effectiveness of the approach is experimentally demonstrated.

    • Segmentation from Stratified Range Image

      2003, 14(4):790-797.

      Abstract (3882) HTML (0) PDF 583.92 K (4852) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:This paper addresses an approach of segmenting dense range. It is the most difficult and important step of constructing a solid model from dense range obtained from 3D scanner. The original object is assumed to be covered by piecewise quadric surfaces and planes, and the range image can be stratified in the way that the points on different layers are situated on parallel planes respectively. The method is based on the strategy "from one dimension manifold to two dimension manifold". Quadric curve segments and straight line segments on every layer is recognized firstly. Group the quadric curve and straight line segments situated on a sequence of adjacent parallel planes with some coherent properties. The quadric surfaces or planes bounding the original object are composed by the quadric curve and straight line segments in same groups. Three examples show the algorithm's performance. This approach can be applied in reverse engineering to construct solid model of mechanical parts.

    • An Intrusion Detection System Based on Support Vector Machine

      2003, 14(4):798-803.

      Abstract (4753) HTML (0) PDF 579.18 K (8482) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The generalizing ability of current IDS (intrusion detection system) is poor when given less priori knowledge. Utilizing SVM (support vector machines) in Intrusion Detection, the generalizing ability of IDS is still good when the sample size is small (less priori knowledge). First, the research progress of intrusion detection is recalled and algorithm of support vector machine taxonomy is introduced. Then the model of an Intrusion Detection System based on support vector machine is presented. An example using system call trace data, which is usually used in intrusion detection, is given to illustrate the performance of this model. Finally, comparison of detection ability between the above detection method and others is given. It is found that the IDS based on SVM needs less priori knowledge than other methods and can shorten the training time under the same detection performance condition.

    • >Review Articles
    • Development and Prospect on Realistic Facial Modeling

      2003, 14(4):804-810.

      Abstract (7401) HTML (0) PDF 585.35 K (8208) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The research on computer synthesis realistic human face is a hot point and meanwhile a difficulty in the area of computer graphics. In this paper, the realistic human face synthesis procedure as a lead, the research on constructing realistic human face model is made a comprehensive survey from three aspects: acquisition of face data, constructing geometry model and generation of realistic human face. And its application and research directions in the future are predicted.

    • Singular Points in Level Set Evolution and Revised Narrow Banding Algorithm

      2003, 14(4):811-817.

      Abstract (4428) HTML (0) PDF 677.58 K (5482) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the process of level set evolution with distance function restriction is analyzed in detail. The concept of singular point is put forward, its important property is proposed and proved, and its influence to the level set evolution is analyzed. Based upon these results, the narrow banding algorithm is revised in order to avoid the singular points during evolutions. And the narrow bandwidth can be modified adaptively in the revised narrow banding algorithm. The experimental results indicate that the revised narrow banding algorithm is robust.

    • A Dynamic Approach to Skeletonization

      2003, 14(4):818-823.

      Abstract (4154) HTML (0) PDF 635.54 K (6473) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The skeleton is an effective representation of object shapes. Methods based on distance transformation can generate skeletons with accurate position, but connectivity of the skeleton branches must be carefully checked. It is difficult to check the connectivity when the structures of the skeleton are very complicated. In this paper, a dynamic skeleton algorithm for binary images is presented by combining with thinning method and Snake model technique. First, compute the initial skeleton based on thinning technology in which the connectivity and the topology of the skeleton can be kept well. Then the initial skeleton can be led to its accurate locations in distance field based on Snake model technique. The skeletons generated by this method are not only locating at accurate positions, but also with correct connectivity and topology.

    • Approximating to Nonparameterzied Minimal Surface with B-Spline Surface

      2003, 14(4):824-829.

      Abstract (4481) HTML (0) PDF 607.11 K (5637) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The minimal surfaces have been extensively employed in many areas such as architecture, aviation, ship manufacture, and so on. However, the complexity of the minimal surface equation prevents people from modeling the minimal surface in CAD/CAGD. In this paper, based on the nonlinear programming and the FEM (finite element method), the approximation to the solution of the minimal surface equation bounded by Bézier or B-spline curves is investigated. A global method, which is called numerical extension method, is appealed to in the whole iterative process and linearize the nonlinear finite element system by using a simple iteration. Some numerical results are given in this paper.

    • Smooth Spline Surfaces over Arbitrary Topological Triangular Meshes

      2003, 14(4):830-837.

      Abstract (4411) HTML (0) PDF 686.63 K (4443) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper introduces an algorithm for creating smooth spline surfaces over control triangular meshes capable of outlining arbitrary free-form surfaces with or without boundary. The resulting surface has a degree 4 parametric polynomial representation and is represented as a network of tangent plane continuous triangular Bézier patches. The approximation of resulting surface to mesh is controlled by a blend ratio; when the blend ratio is zero, surfaces interpolate meshes. The algorithm is a local method, simple, efficient and fit for appearance design.

    • A Smoothing-Finite Element Method for Surface Reconstruction from Arbitrary Scattered Data

      2003, 14(4):838-844.

      Abstract (3661) HTML (0) PDF 1.02 M (4931) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A finite element method to reconstruct 3D surface from the scattered data is presented in the paper. Based on the theories of optimal approximation and data smoothing, a positive definite functional is constructed and minimized by using the finite element best-fitting technique, then the optimal solution is obtained and the 3D surface is reconstruct by eight-node isoparametric finite element interpolation. The influence of noise in input data is eliminated effectively by the smoothing-finite element method. The number of input data required in the presented method is less than that in finite element fitting. The surface reconstructed is of high approximating precision and good smoothness. Numerical results show that this method is simple and expedient to use.

    • An Efficient Algorithm for Polygon Clipping

      2003, 14(4):845-856.

      Abstract (5283) HTML (0) PDF 913.78 K (8766) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Polygon clipping is more often used than line clipping in practice, so it is the main subject in clipping research now. An efficient algorithm for polygon clipping which processes general polygons including concave polygons and polygons with holes inside is presented in this paper. This algorithm can be used to calculate not only intersection (clipping) but also set-theoretic differences and union of two polygons. It is based on some new techniques proposed in this paper. Firstly, singly linked lists are used as the data structure of this algorithm rather than doubly linked lists or trees as other algorithms use, so less memory space and running time are required. Secondly, the relationship between the entry and exit points on the two polygons is found, which, with the reasonable operations on the lists, reduces the times that the lists are traversed and allows the polygon to be input clockwise or counterclockwise. Lastly, finding and computing of intersection points is a main procedure. An efficient technique for finding and computing intersection points is presented, which makes the speed of the algorithm higher. At the end of this paper, the new algorithm is compared with the existing algorithms and the result shows that it uses less memory space and has higher speed than others.

    • Extraction and Analysis of Story Unit Based on Clustering of Hyper-Graph

      2003, 14(4):857-863.

      Abstract (4129) HTML (0) PDF 662.46 K (5171) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It is the important precondition for browsing, retrieval and indexing videos that effectively and rationally organizing the video structure. In this paper, for hierarchically organizing the video structure, a method for extracting story units is proposed. k-nearest neighbor hyper-graph is used to represent the content relations among shots, and shots are clustered based on hyper-graph model. By analyzing time projection relations among shot clusters, story units are extracted, and represented by the 1D strings. A frame using specific domain knowledge for identifying the type of story unit is also proposed, and is applied to identify the dialogs in the videos. The new algorithm is applied to multiple test videos, and the experiments results are satisfying.

    • A Color Image Fractal Compression Coding Method

      2003, 14(4):864-868.

      Abstract (3987) HTML (0) PDF 575.01 K (5514) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, a color image fractal compression coding method is proposed by analyzing the correlation of r, g, b components of a color image and the remnant of layer information in quadtree scheme. It merges three-color components into one. Accordingly this method will reduce the matching blocks, which need to be saved and encoded by SFC (separated fractal coding) algorithm, into one and at one time the source data and layer information in quadtree scheme can sustain non-losses and high-proportion compression. Furthermore, by selecting different combinations, a series of coding methods that bear very close compression ratio and quality of decoded image are obtained. Moreover the coding speed of the luminosity method among them is faster than the other ones. Experimental results indicate that this approach excels SFC or standard JPEG and can be a good color image fractal compression algorithm.

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