• Volume 13,Issue 7,2002 Table of Contents
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    • A Secure and Efficient General VSS Protocol

      2002, 13(7):1187-1192.

      Abstract (3344) HTML (0) PDF 369.83 K (4966) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Verifiable secret sharing (VSS) is a very important tool in cryptography and information security. Many threshold VSS schemes are available in the literature, but only a little attention has been paid to general VSS. In this paper, the problem of general verifiable secret sharing is considered. Based on a general secret sharing scheme, Feldman's VSS scheme is extended to the case of arbitrary monotone access structures. A secure and efficient general VSS protocol is proposed. The newly proposed protocol is non-interactive, and has the best information rate. It may have practical applications in many areas, such as key escrow, group oriented cryptography, and fault-tolerant secure computation etc.

    • Mapping of Nested Loops to Multiprocessors

      2002, 13(7):1193-1198.

      Abstract (3322) HTML (0) PDF 477.30 K (4993) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Two new methods for partitioning and mapping nested loops with non-constant dependencies into distributed memory multiprocessors are presented. By partitioning the dependencies vectors or using direction vectors, the methods can partition the loops with non-constant dependencies into independent parts without any mutual dependencies. These parts can be processed independently so as to be mapped into multiprocessors and be executed in parallel.

    • Honeycomb Subdivision

      2002, 13(7):1199-1208.

      Abstract (3601) HTML (0) PDF 557.78 K (4792) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A novel calss of subdivision schemes based on the hexagonal meshes is presented.It is called honeycomb subdivision which enlarges the field of subdivision surfaces. By introducing the concept of central control vertices into the schemes, the honeycomb subdivision has the advantages of flexible coefficients selection,easy control of shape,less complexity of large meshes, and applicability.Its properties are analyzed and appropriate subdivision rules are given to obtain limit surfaces with tangent continuity. It can interpolate the given control vertices under certain conditions.The schemes are applicable for shape modeling in computer animation and industrial prototype design.

    • An Intelligent Mobile Agents-Based Architecture for Network Fault Detection

      2002, 13(7):1209-1219.

      Abstract (3825) HTML (0) PDF 651.74 K (5504) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The increasing complexity of modern network has motivated the development of different fault detection and isolation approaches for the purpose of supervision. Currently, packet monitoring has become a standard technique in network fault detection, but when applied to a large-scale network it yields a high volume of packets. To overcome this problem, some techniques are proposed. However, the proposed techniques are based on popular SNMP agent and RMON technology, which are characterized by centralization, some inherent known problems are the lack of scalability, complexity to configure, network congestion and not strong local processing ability. This paper proposes a new method for fault detection and isolation based on intelligent mobile agents. To measure the impact on fault detection capability, a monitoring and fault detection experiment is successfully implemented, and the authors compare the number of symptoms detected and traffic of the system with a traditional system using RMON agents. Experimental results show that the fault detection capability using the proposed approach is significantly improved.

    • Using Adaptive Router Throttles Against Distributed Denial-of-Service Attacks

      2002, 13(7):1220-1227.

      Abstract (4465) HTML (0) PDF 983.42 K (5577) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, an adaptive router throttle algorithm is presented to defend a server against distributed denial-of-service (DDoS) attacks. The key point of the algorithm is that the server asks selected upstream routers k hops away to install throttles on traffic flows destined for it so that the server's service capacity can be allocated among all flows with a max-min like fairness. The algorithm effectiveness is evaluated by using a realistic Internet topology and various models for attacker and good user distributions and behaviors. The results indicate that this server-centric router throttling is a promising approach to countering DDoS attacks.

    • >Review Articles
    • Overviews on Software Architecture Research

      2002, 13(7):1228-1237.

      Abstract (14248) HTML (0) PDF 500.04 K (17008) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Software architecture (SA) is emerging as one of the primary research areas in software engineering recently and one of the key technologies to the development of large-scale software-intensive system and software product line system. The history and the major direction of SA are summarized, and the concept of SA is brought up based on analyzing and comparing the several classical definitions about SA. Based on summing up the activities about SA, two categories of study about SA are extracted out, and the advancements of researches on SA are subsequently introduced from seven aspects.Additionally,some disadvantages of study on SA are discussed,and the causes are explained at the same.Finally,it is concluded with some singificantly promising tendency about research on SA.

    • Using Distributed Active Agents to Detect the Symmetry Axes in Gray Images

      2002, 13(7):1238-1241.

      Abstract (3588) HTML (0) PDF 302.05 K (4667) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:As an important research area in pattern recognition and computation geometry, the symmetry of image has many applications in object recognition, visual inspection and shape representation etc. A novel approach that uses distributed active agents to extract the basic reflectional symmetry axes in gray images is presented in this paper. It detects, groups and links the prominent local symmetry axes by simulating the behaviors of the agents such as inhabit, evolve, diffusion and death in local image environme.It can extract the basic reflectional symmetry axes of the arbitrary gray images and is suitable for parallel implementation.The experimental results on the natural images show that this approach is sfficient.

    • Plane-Based Warping

      2002, 13(7):1242-1249.

      Abstract (4145) HTML (0) PDF 472.15 K (5323) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, a plane-based backward warping algorithm is proposed to generate novel views from multiple reference images. First the depth information is employed to reconstruct space planes from individual reference images and the potential occluding relationship between these planes is calculated. Then the planes that represent an identical space plane from different reference images are compared with each other to decide one with best sample rate preserved and used in the later warping period while the other samples are abandoned.While the image of a novel view is priduced,the planes thar pass the visibility test are projected onte the desired image form which people can get knowledge on the plane that the desired image pixels are warped from.Finally,pixels'depth of the desired image is calculated and then abackward warping is performed from these pixels to the reference images to obtain their colors.It is shown that the storage requirement and executing time of the proposed algorithm increases slowly with the number of reference images.

    • A Java Virtual Machine Based on Hybrid Concurrent Compilation and Execution Model

      2002, 13(7):1250-1256.

      Abstract (3629) HTML (0) PDF 401.99 K (5414) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The change from interpretation to just-in-time compilation has improved the performance of Java dramatically. However, further amelioration is still possible. In this paper, a hybrid concurrent compilation and execution model (HCCEM) is proposed, which possesses the potential to surpass JIT by overlapping the production of native code with program execution through multithreaded control. The design of JAFFE, a Java virtual machine based on HCCEM, and some critical problems are also discussed in the implementation such as mode switch,exception handling and hierarchicl multithreads.The experimental result shows that HCCEM can improve the execution speed of java programs efficiently.

    • A Polynomial Algorithm to Decide Liveness and Boundedness of ESAC Nets

      2002, 13(7):1257-1263.

      Abstract (3801) HTML (0) PDF 401.13 K (5252) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:It has been an important direction of Petri net applications to find practical and efficient polynomial algorithms. In this paper, an algorithm is given to decide the structural liveness and structural boundedness of extended strong asymmetric choice (ESAC) nets. This algorithm can also decide whether an initial marking of a structurally live and structurally bounded ESAC net is a live marking or not. Since the class of ESAC nets contains free choice (FC) nets, this algorithm shows large area of applications.

    • Constraints for Fusion Algorithms in Meta Search Engine Systems

      2002, 13(7):1264-1270.

      Abstract (3916) HTML (0) PDF 552.25 K (5364) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Fusion is one of the main technical problems for running a meta search engine. In this paper, the formal definitions of search engine and meta search engine are given and the potential cases of fusion in meta search engine systems are classified. Based on this classification, the necessary constraints of fusion methods in different fusion cases are described. This provides a reliable foundation for the construction of good fusion algorithms in meta search engine systems.

    • A New Formal System of Intention Consequences Lm5c

      2002, 13(7):1271-1277.

      Abstract (3909) HTML (0) PDF 531.12 K (4795) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:To establish a formal inferential system of intention consequences is an important issue in the formal study of intention. In this paper, a new formal system of intention consequences Lm5c based on "reduced implication" is proposed which provides a norm of intention consequences. Compared with other known formal systems of intention consequences, this system is simpler and possesses many desired properties, such as free from all cases of the known side-effects. Besides, it is powerful in reasoning about intention so that the agent itself can use it to perform tasks such as intention inference and goal revsing.

    • Analysis of Digital Video Effect Shot Transition Detection Algorithm

      2002, 13(7):1278-1283.

      Abstract (3917) HTML (0) PDF 383.86 K (5116) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:With the popularity of digital equipment in video producing, digital video effect (DVE) has been more and more frequently used in shot transitions, so that the demand of DVE transition detection is proposed for the video indexing and retrieval system. In this paper, the limitation of the exiting 2-D spatial-temporal image analysis methods is pointed out through the analysis of DVE transition model, and a transition-surface-based DVE detection method is proposed. Basic thoughts and the implementation of this are detailed,as well as the experimental result and analysis.

    • Estimation of QoS Parameters Based on Measurement and Its Application

      2002, 13(7):1284-1289.

      Abstract (3200) HTML (0) PDF 517.74 K (5152) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A method for estimating QoS parameters based on measurement is presented in this paper. This method does not require the users to establish any models describing the statistics of the traffic and provide model parameters to the network in advance. Instead, network monitors and measures the incoming traffic statistics, and estimates QoS parameters based on the measured statistics, which enable it to overcome the drawbacks of model-based QoS parameters estimation and be convenient for connection admission control and dynamic bandwidth allocation in networks.

    • An Embedding Strategy and Algorithm for Image Watermarking in DWT Domain

      2002, 13(7):1290-1297.

      Abstract (8252) HTML (0) PDF 467.71 K (9964) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Robustness is one of the most basic requirements for invisible image watermarks. Embedding strategy, embedding formula and the watermark strength all affect robustness of watermarks. In this paper, a new embedding strategy for watermarking is proposed based on DWT domain. Based on the wavelet coefficient distribution and a quantitative analysis on the magnitudes of wavelet coefficients, watermarks should be embedded in the low frequency subband firstly, and the remains of the watermarks should be embedded in high frequency subbands according to the significance of subbands.Different embedding formulae should be applied on the low frequency aubband and high frequency subbands respectively.Applying this strategy,an adaptive algorithm incorating the feature of visual masking of human vision system into watermarking is proposed.The algorithm prganizes wavelet coefficients to form wavelet blocks and applies a novel method to classify these wavelet blocke.Watermark components with different strent strength are inserted into different wavelet coefficients based on the results of classification.The experimental results show that the watermarks generated with the proposed algorithm are invisible and robust against noise and commonly used image processing tech niques.

    • Intention Tracking in Agent-Group

      2002, 13(7):1298-1302.

      Abstract (3225) HTML (0) PDF 307.73 K (5213) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In MAS, it is important for an agent to track and keep watch on others, and to infer their high-level objectives and intentions. As far as tracking multiple agents is concerned, in order to decide whether to coordinate or to compete, it is desired not only to learn every agent's intention, but also to infer the group's intention. In this paper, the mental states of agent-group, the group rationality are introduced, Which makes it possible to track both individual and group intentions under the constraint of limited resources.Tracking individual intention and tracking group intention are interdependent,Which enhances the accuracy and the efficiency.The tracking of multiple agent's to multiple agents is also discussed.And the work of Tambe et al is improved.

    • A Unified Resource Mapping Strategy in Computational Grid Environments

      2002, 13(7):1303-1308.

      Abstract (4532) HTML (0) PDF 361.29 K (5206) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The management of resources and scheduling computations in a grid environment is a complex undertaking, mainly due to resource抯 geographic distribution, heterogeneity, distributed ownership with different policies and priorities, varying loads, reliability, and availability conditions. A unified resource mapping strategy in computational grid environments is presented, which considers the input data repositories and QoS of tasks to mapping a set of independent tasks (meta-task) to resources. The repetitive mapping algorithm is more suitable for the dynamic adaptability and dimain autonomy in the grid.The henefit function heuristic adopted in the algorithm can ass ure the QoS of of tasks more effectively.

    • A Simple and Fast Algorithm for Detecting the Convexity and Concavity of Vertices for an Arbitrary Polygon

      2002, 13(7):1309-1312.

      Abstract (3856) HTML (0) PDF 248.84 K (6048) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A simple and fast algorithm for detecting the convexity and concavity of vertices for an arbitrary polygon is presented, which needs 2n+4 multiplications, 5n+10 additions or subtractions and 2n+3 comparisons (n is the number of the vertices of the polygon). Meanwhile, the sufficient and necessary condition for the orientation of an arbitrary simple polygon is given.

    • Study on the Proof Method of Authentication Protocols Based on Strand Space

      2002, 13(7):1313-1317.

      Abstract (4115) HTML (0) PDF 307.52 K (4950) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Strand space is a new model for the analysis of security protocols. In this paper, a systematic study is made on how to prove the existence of vulnerabilities in authentication protocols based on the Strand space. During the proof procedure, the authentication property is proved by using the goal-refined method. Moreover, by introducing type-check mechanism into this model, the proof procedure is simplified significantly. In addition, this method is also applied to authentication protocols involved three prinvolved three principals.At last,the results are got as the relevant literatures.

    • A Hypermedia Retrieval Model Based on Pattern Matching

      2002, 13(7):1318-1323.

      Abstract (3706) HTML (0) PDF 397.34 K (4801) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Built on the semantic network based hypermedia model, a hypermedia retrieval model based on pattern matching is proposed in this paper by introducing the concepts of database schema, model constraint graph and stratified schema dependency graph. Furthermore the formal definition of graph algebra is given out, which guaranteed the model抯 retrieval ability. On the one hand, this model can decrease the users?cognitive overhead. On the other hand, it guarantees the expressive capability of the retrieval.

    • Maintaining Temporal Views in Data Warehouses

      2002, 13(7):1324-1330.

      Abstract (3555) HTML (0) PDF 457.95 K (4961) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An important use of data warehouses is to provide historical information by temporal views. Because it makes temporal extension to traditional relation data model, the materialized temporal views may be needed updated not only when base relations change, but also as time advances. So presently the research results for the non-temporal views are not applicable for the temporal views, and also the existed temporal view maintaining techniques are not appropriate for the data warehouses. Based on a historical relational model,according to the pure deletion and pure insertion concept,the change propagation are presented in this paper computation in relational algebra format for the five prve primitive historical relational operators.The incremental computaion of temporal views defined by the five operators can be obtained bu iterative method.At the same time,the pure insertion and the pure deletion con caaepted by this paper can be used in the temporal view maintence under other historical relational model.

    • Mobile Agent System by Incremental Timestamp Security Technique

      2002, 13(7):1331-1337.

      Abstract (3330) HTML (0) PDF 458.86 K (5114) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The security technology decides the realization of the mobile agent. The primary problem solved by this paper is to prevent replay attacks and acts beyond its authorities of malicious mobile agent. The concepts, characters and security of mobile agent are described. Afterwards, the concepts and advantages of incremental timestamp are proposed, and a specific example and the demonstrations are also presented. The mobile agent system that adopts incremental timestamp can protect execute system from damages of hostile mobile agents.The incremental timestamp technology has been verified and realized in the mobile agent system which is developed based on the Lucent Company's Inferno system.

    • An Accelerate Algorithm on Fast Wavelet Transform for Signal Processing

      2002, 13(7):1338-1344.

      Abstract (3555) HTML (0) PDF 426.57 K (5105) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An method of analytic construction for wavelet filter coefficients is put forward, and the corresponding fast wavelet transform is set up. It is more oversimplified and more speedy than the famous Mallat algorithm. This method can be used adaptively to signal processing for choosing corresponding parameters of wavelet filter.

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