• Volume 12,Issue 9,2001 Table of Contents
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    • A Procedural Semantics for Disjunctive Closed World Assumption

      2001, 12(9):1265-1270.

      Abstract (3728) HTML (0) PDF 352.12 K (4050) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Recently there has been an increasing interest in representing disjunctive information. DCWA (disjunctive closed world assumption) is a skeptical semantics for disjunctive deductive databases (DDBs) (with default negation) and extends the well founded model for normal logic programs. DCWA also provides an approximation for the generalized closed world assumption (GCWA) and supports argumentation. This paper presents a top down procedure for DCWA and proves its soundness and completeness.

    • Automatic Parsing of News Video Using Multimodal Analysis

      2001, 12(9):1271-1278.

      Abstract (3425) HTML (0) PDF 719.32 K (4307) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The paper presents an approach, which exploits multimodal information (video, audio and text) to automatically parse news video. In the paper, audio features extraction, as well as multimodal information integration scheme, are addressed in detail. Integration of multiple information sources can overcome the weakness of the approach only exploiting the image analysis techniques. That makes our approach have wider adaptation to variable existence situations of news items. On test data with 184 100 frames, when the system detects bound-aries between news items,the recall95.1%and the accuracy93.3%are obtained.The experiment results show the approach is valid and robust.

    • Operational Semantics for Functional Logic Languages

      2001, 12(9):1279-1286.

      Abstract (3401) HTML (0) PDF 449.98 K (4251) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Functional languages and logic languages complement each other in the following sense. Functional programming languages, based on reduction, have properties such as deterministic evaluation and lazy evaluation; however they lack some desirable properties such as existentially quantified variables and partial data structures. On the contrary, logic programming languages, based on Horn clause logic and resolution, allow existentially quantified variables and partial data structures but lack both deterministic evaluation and lazy evaluation. From this point of view it is natural to inegrate functional and logic programming languages into one paradigm.This provides a unified language with more expressive power than both logic and functional languages.This pa-per discusses the proposal for an operational semantics of functional logic languages,and demonstrates tthat the operational semantics is practically visible.

    • Embedded Image Coding Based on Hierarchical Discrete Cosine Transform

      2001, 12(9):1287-1294.

      Abstract (3603) HTML (0) PDF 1.13 M (4338) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, we illustrate that the zerotree quantizer developed originally for wavelet compression can be effectively applied to Discrete Cosine Transform (DCT) in a hierarchical way. In this Hierarchical DCT (HDCT), the input image is partitioned into a number of 8×8 blocks and a first level DCT is used to each of these blocks individually. As DC coefficients of DCT neighboring blocks are highly correlated and particularly pronounced to obtain the compression results at low bit rates, another level DCT is applied to only DC coeffi-cients re-organized as 8×8blocks.This procedure is repeated until the last step is reached.Allthe HDCT coeffi-cients within a DCT block are then rearranged into a sub-band structure in which the zerotree quantizer can be employed.The proposed algorithm yields a fully embedded,low-complexity coder with competitive PSNR per-formance.For example,when compared with the baseline JPEG on the 512×512standard image“Lena”,it gains0.8bB~1.7bB.In order to remove the blocking effects in the reconstructed images,especially at low bit rates,a simple and efficient method based on Sobel operators is also developed.Experimental results show that the proposed deblocking method works well and enhances decoding for decompressed images both objectively and subjectively.

    • Composition and Interactive Computation of Object Systems

      2001, 12(9):1295-1303.

      Abstract (3225) HTML (0) PDF 1.17 M (4183) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The computation of object systems is an open and dynamic computing process with concurrent interactions, and the behavior of object systems presents the unification between internal causes and external causes, so that the research of dynamic behavior of object systems should not be separated from the discussion of static construction of object system. This paper aims at the specification of dynamic behaviors and interactions of objects, while a formal model for composite object systems is constructed to consolidate the formal abstraction and conception framework throughout the whole paper at first. A sorted CCS-like calculus named S/R is built up to clarify the computation process of object systems and to characterize the inherent properties of encapsulation, dynamic binding, interaction and concurrecy, etc. It is emphasized that the behavior of each object is restricted by its environment and the behavior of each component object should be consistent with the behavior of its composite object.

    • A Novel Secret Key Watermarking System

      2001, 12(9):1304-1311.

      Abstract (3934) HTML (0) PDF 485.10 K (4360) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Watermarking, as an effective method for information hidding, has evolved very quickly. Most watermarking systems available have only a secret key, which cannot be public. But in some applications, watermarking needs to be retrieved by public keys. How to generate public keys without weaken the performance of the private key is a key problem. In this paper, a secret key watermarking system is designed, in which a novel method of generating public keys is proposed. The identifier (ID) embedded can be reliably retrieved using public keys without resorting to the orginal data. Because only part of embedding information is used in public keys, the above problem is successfully solved. Expeimental results show its security and validity.

    • Liveness and Boundedness of Extended Strong Asymmetric Choice Nets

      2001, 12(9):1312-1317.

      Abstract (3702) HTML (0) PDF 395.14 K (3971) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the necessary and sufficient condition of structural liveness for a subclass of Asymmetric Choice nets, extended strong AC nets, is presented. Moreover, it is proved that the marking liveness of these structurally live extended strong AC nets can be judged in case they are structural live. Then the liveness monotonicity for extended strong AC nets is proved and a necessary and sufficient condition for structural liveness and structural boundedness of extended strong AC nets is given in the contribution.

    • A New Approach for the Analysis of Electronic Commerce Protocols

      2001, 12(9):1318-1328.

      Abstract (3438) HTML (0) PDF 588.52 K (4409) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, a new framework is proposed for the analysis of electronic commerce protocols. Comparing to the framework proposed by Kailar, it has three major improvements. Firstly, it can analyze fairness of protocols efficiently. In the analysis of fairness, it takes the reliability of communication channels into consideration. Secondly, the initial possesion set depends on environment in stead of human beings. At last, by introducing the cipher text understanding rule the new framework can analyze the message which includes signed cipher text.

    • Research and Implementation of the Active Rules in ORDBMS

      2001, 12(9):1329-1335.

      Abstract (3350) HTML (0) PDF 505.75 K (4190) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the formalized description of active rules in ORDBMS (object-relational database management system) is presented. The semantics of rule components, rule inheritance, rule operations, multiple rule triggering and rule cascade triggering is fully discussed. And a simplified E-C-A (event-condition-action) model called S E-C-A model suited to ANGEL system is achieved. Four types of rules (update-update rules, update-query rules, query-update rules and query-query rules), C-A coupling mode and priority definition of conflicting triggers are supported in S E-C-A. The capabilities of express and actualize set constraints are gained by extending NEW and OLD to a kind of path quantifier in expression forms of trigger constraint. And the analytic methods of rule behaviors based on transaction are also presented.

    • Content-Based Chinese Antique Books Retrieval Through Visual Similarity Criteria

      2001, 12(9):1336-1342.

      Abstract (3822) HTML (0) PDF 495.07 K (4462) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The application of digitized civilization legacy plays an important role in the digital library project. Due to the intrinsic handwritten nature, it lacks effective mechanisms to perform content retrieval on digitized Chinese antique books. In this paper, an original method for content retrieval based on visual similarity is proposed and some key techniques are studied. By extracting morphological, positional and page features from images, the method makes up a feature space and applies spatial indexing to it. A range searching strategy is then employed to get all analogs to the query sample. In addition, a precision parameter is defined to dynamically adjust the mapping from morphological feature to semantics, and a constraint verifying technique is developed to improve the overall precision. The operational prototypical system demonstrates its fesibility and gets the effectiveness of automatic content-based retrieval directly on page images.

    • Threaded Binary Sorted Hash Trees Solution Scheme for Certificate Revocation Problem

      2001, 12(9):1343-1350.

      Abstract (4082) HTML (0) PDF 560.00 K (4483) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:A new solution scheme called certificate revocation threaded binary sorted Hash trees (CRTBSHT) for certificate revocation problem in public key infrastructure (PKI) is proposed in this paper. Previous solution schemes including traditional X.509 certificates system's certificate revocation lists (CRL), Micali's Certificate Revocation System (CRS), Kocher's Certificate Revocation Trees (CRT), and Naro-Nossim's 2-3 certificate revocation trees (2-3CRT), but no one is perfect. The new scheme keeps the good properties of CRT that it is easy to check or prove whether a certificate is revoked which only needs the related path values but does not need the whole CRT values and overcomes the disadvantage of CRT that any update will cause the whole CRT to be conmputed completely. The new scheme has referential value to the PKI engineering practice.

    • Building and Assembling Reusable Components Based on Software Architecture

      2001, 12(9):1351-1359.

      Abstract (7782) HTML (0) PDF 586.26 K (5895) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Software reuse and component-based software development are the inevitable trend in software engineering development and industrial production. Two important activities involved are the building and integrating of reusable software components. In this paper, the drawbacks of existing methods of component s integration are analyzed first, and a new method is proposed based on software architecture. Then, several different kinds of architecture and their influences to component integration are disscused. After that, a component model supporting interface connection architecture and socket architecture, and an architecture-based component-assembling framework proposed, and the building and assembling process of software components is specified. Finally, the conclusion and further research direction are given.

    • A Unified Spatio-Temporal Data Model Based on State and Change

      2001, 12(9):1360-1365.

      Abstract (4002) HTML (0) PDF 425.58 K (5148) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, a unified spatio-temporal data model (SCUDM) based on state and change is proposed. A state in spatio temporal database is represented by a ternary tuple about object, space and time. Thus, a change in spatio temporal database is represented by a change over a state, which can be projected to object domain, space domain and time domain separately in order to explicitly represent change over object, space and time. An event in spatio temporal database is a relation of changes about spatio-temporal entities, implying the temporal topology of spatio-temporal entities. SCUDM model can support both representation of state and change and representation of spatial-temporal topology.

    • A Multi-Agent Belief Logic and Its Generalization with Probability

      2001, 12(9):1366-1374.

      Abstract (3649) HTML (0) PDF 558.30 K (4261) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, a multi-agent belief logic named MBL (multi-agent belief logic) is presented firstly. Based on the classical belief logic, MBL is added into the modal operators of every-belief and common belief. Then the Kripke semantics and generalized Aumann semantics of MBL are given, the equivalence of the two semantics, the soundness and completeness of MBL about the two semantics are proved. Secondly, a multi agent probabilistic belief logic named MPBL (multi-agent probabilistic belief logic) is presented. By introducing the probability space on generalized Aumann model, the probabilistic Aumann semantics of MPBL are given, and its soundness about generalized Aumann semantics is proved. At last, some corollaries of MPBL are given.

    • Design and Implementation of a Distributed Cooperative Intrusion Detection System

      2001, 12(9):1375-1379.

      Abstract (3501) HTML (0) PDF 394.93 K (4722) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:An integrative taxonomy for intrusion detection technologies is proposed in this paper, which can specify accurately existing intrusion detection methods. Aiming at multiple-domain environments, a distributed cooperative intrusion detection system (DCIDS) is designed, which implements cooperative intrusion detection through efficient, secure information exchange among IDSes in different domain. The architecture of DCIDS is described, as well as its four components: sensor, analyzer, manager and user-interface. Some key issues are also discussed, including secure communication and selection places.

    • Research on Solution to Complex Container-Loading Problem Based on Genetic Algorithm

      2001, 12(9):1380-1385.

      Abstract (4944) HTML (0) PDF 851.29 K (5541) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The container-loading problem occurring in on-the-spot freight production is often with several constraints and objectives, i.e., complex container-loading problem. The robustness, parallelism, and a variety of applications in the solution of NP complete problem of genetic algorithm demonstrate genetic algorithm is an effective approach to solve complex container loading problem. In this paper, the genetic algorithm for complex container-loading problem is studied, the effective coding and decoding method is given. The numerical solution of example shows that the algorithm is effective.

    • Using Naive Bayes to Coordinate the Classification of Web Pages

      2001, 12(9):1386-1392.

      Abstract (3832) HTML (0) PDF 1.45 M (4389) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:There is a vast source of information in WWW. How to find the useful information from Internet is an exact issue to be solved. The correct classification of Web pages is the core. Based on the structure characteristics of hypertext, the method of Naive Bayes is adopted in this paper to coordinate the two classifiers that use the text document and hypertext structure. Compared with the two separate classifiers, the combining classifier promotes the correctness of Web pages'classification evidently and steadily.

    • Optimization of Multiple User-Defined Functions in a Query Using Interval Constraints

      2001, 12(9):1393-1398.

      Abstract (3386) HTML (0) PDF 377.27 K (4052) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:How to process user defined functions incorporated in declarative query languages efficiently is an important aspect of query optimization. The problem of several user-defined functions in a query clause hasn't been solved in the former researches. There isn't a proposal in these researches that can be implemented easily. In this paper, a 3-stage optimization plan is put forward, which has the potency of processing several user-defined functions in a query clause: firstly, rewrite user-defined functions equivalently in the form of interval constraints; secondly, stratify the constraints and eliminats the redundant ones; finally, select the optimal execution strategy. This plan has the virtue of easy implementation and higher efficiency. Especially when the user-defined functions imply join conditions of several tables, this plan can get an obvious optimization result.

    • Design and Implementation of Intelligent Environment for Computer Embroidery Programming

      2001, 12(9):1399-1404.

      Abstract (3804) HTML (0) PDF 368.18 K (4867) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Various punching systems for computerized embroidery have appeared since the invention of computer controlled embroidery machine, which led to an innovation in traditional embroidery industry. But few of these systems are really efficient because of little intelligence and poor automation, thus the products quality and manufacture efficiency are kept in a low level. In order to overcome the imperfections of the function above, an integrated intelligent environment for computerized embroidery is developed. So embroidery patterns automatically processing and stich generation are achieved depending on the adopted AI, CAD and image processing techniques. AS a result, the products' quality and efficiency of embroidery programming are improved greatly. The architecture and the implementation techniques of the system are described in this paper.

    • Logarithm Model Based Word Sense Disambiguation

      2001, 12(9):1405-1412.

      Abstract (3354) HTML (0) PDF 474.33 K (4290) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, a method for automatic word sense disambiguation based on logarithm model (LM) is discussed, and a word sense disambiguation system LM_WSD is implemented. In the experiments, four models are used to word sense disambiguation. Experiments showed the effect of high-frequency sense, salient words, specialized field and general usage to noun and verb word sense disambiguation. Now the system LM_WSD was applied in a word based English-Chinese machine translation system for car fittings field, and improved the performance of the system.

    • A Multipoint Real-Time Speech Mixing and Scheduling Algorithm Based on Packet Networks

      2001, 12(9):1413-1419.

      Abstract (3803) HTML (0) PDF 1.34 M (4994) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Smooth and fluent speech communication is one of the main aims of current high performance video conferencing system. For this purpose, a multipoint real-time speech mixing and scheduling algorithm based on packet network is put forward and then realized. The scheduling algorithm, which contains several strategies, such as queue model analysis, synchronous control of multipoint speech streams, data pre fetching, timely refreshing buffers and so on, effectively guarantees continuity of the mixed speech in a limited complexity, and its mixing method has proved to proved to ensure naturalness and intelligibility of the mixed speech quality. The realization of this algorithm has led to a fact that the video conferencing system has better hearing perceptibility than those available oversea H.232 products, such as Netmeeting, based on the same H.323 specification.

    • Maximum Entropy Thresholding Algorithm

      2001, 12(9):1420-1422.

      Abstract (4261) HTML (0) PDF 596.70 K (5013) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Thresholding is an important form of image segmentation and is used in image processing and recognition for many applications. In this paper, an automatic approach for thresholding based on gray level gradient co occurrence matrix model and the maximum entropy principles is proposed. This method utilizes the information of both gray level and gradient in an image. In this approach, the threshold vector is selected through evaluating two dimensional entropies based on the gray-level gradient co-occurrence matrix and maximizing the edge region entropies. It is found that the proposed approach performs better than other 2D entropy methods.

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