• Volume 10,Issue 7,1999 Table of Contents
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    • A Nonbacktracking Algorithm for the Rule Based Attribute-oriented Database Induction Approach

      1999, 10(7):673-678.

      Abstract (3814) HTML (0) PDF 212.51 K (4336) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, a nonbacktracking algorithm is presented for the rule based attribute-oriented database induction approach. The background knowledge is considered as a limited logic program, and every clause of it is expanded as a complete resolution clause. Then, the concept of exact level for an attribute in the concept hierarchies is defined and specified according to its threshold required by the users. The values of each attribute are inducted as ones in its exact level by only one pass without backtracking.

    • Algorithm Framework: an Operational Approach to Algorithm Relocation

      1999, 10(7):679-684.

      Abstract (4028) HTML (0) PDF 256.57 K (4417) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Algorithm framework is an operational approach to algorithm relocation. In this paper, the authors present the definition of algorithm relocation and an algorithm framework based on selection operator and combination operator. The authors discuss how to design selection operator and combination operator. The algorithm for a given problem can be obtained from the algorithm schema, which is obtained from the algorithm framework presented in this paper. The relationship between algorithm framework and algorithm schema and the relationship between algorithm framework and modular algorithm are discussed as well. Algorithm relocation and its operational approach are significant for software automation and machine-learning.

    • A New Run-Time Pointer Aliasing Disambiguation Method

      1999, 10(7):685-689.

      Abstract (3462) HTML (0) PDF 220.47 K (4510) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, a new run-time pointer aliasing disambiguation method, called SHRTD (software/hardware run-time disambiguation), which combines hardware and software techniques is presented. During run time, the SHRTD method lets function units execute NOPs to implement the postponement of the incorrect memory load operation and its successive operations. To guarantee the consistency of the execution sequence of all postponed operations, the order of function units which executes NOPs and the number of NOPs must be determined during compiler time. The SHRTD can be used for irreversible code, and it has very limited compensation code space and no serious rerollability problem. The SHRTD method solves pointer aliasing problem efficiently and makes it possible to obtain potential instruction-level parallel speedup.

    • The View of Web Users

      1999, 10(7):690-693.

      Abstract (3339) HTML (0) PDF 207.13 K (4722) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:View is an important idea of database and it can also be used effectively in the Web. But the view of Web is not the same as that of database, since the Web is different from the database. In this paper, the authors present an important idea, the area of navigation, which describes the characteristics of Web users' activities. Based on this idea, the definition of Web user's view is given and its implementation and some possible applications are also discussed.

    • Multimedia Object Query Language and Its Query Processing

      1999, 10(7):694-701.

      Abstract (3795) HTML (0) PDF 346.21 K (4468) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the authors study the query requirements of multimedia database and propose a structured multimedia object query language (MOQL). The language can support queries based on type, structure, synchronous relations, temporal relations, and contents of multimedia data. Taking the DB2 relational database system as a storage mechanism, they define a set of algebraic operators and some transformation rules, by which the MOQL queries defined by the users can be transformed into a set of algebraic formula and optimized. Finally, the algebraic formula can be transformed into execution plan in DB2SQL and C++ procedures, which can be run on DB2 system.

    • An Interactive Strategy Model of Multi-agent System

      1999, 10(7):702-708.

      Abstract (3541) HTML (0) PDF 336.87 K (4923) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Interactive communication is the main method to realize cooperation in multi-agent systems. In this paper, from the semantic perspective, the authors investigate the interactive communication procedure of multi-agent systems and incorporate the BDI (belief, desire, intention) model, the agent's mental state mode, into the interactive communication procedure. They present a model concerning the interactive strategy, which supports a variety of arranging interaction on basic interactive action to solve the conflicts of desires or intentions among agents. Compared with former other researches, such as negotiation through argumentation method, this strategy model can realize the flexible interactive communication based on different scenarios, and it is more practical.

    • The Compatibility of the Different-structured Decomposition-patterns for Probabilistic Logic

      1999, 10(7):709-712.

      Abstract (3949) HTML (0) PDF 202.89 K (4282) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the compatibility of the different-structured decomposition-patterns for probabilistic logic is discussed. If the single marginal probability consistence remain between each pair of the different-structured decomposition-patterns, the combination of them will form a multi-pattern decomposition structure. In addition, the inference system based on the given decomposition method keeps its validity and completeness to the original Nilsson's system.

    • Research on Request Dispatching Algorithm for Web Server Clusters

      1999, 10(7):713-718.

      Abstract (3424) HTML (0) PDF 313.94 K (4952) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In order to improve the throughput, response speed and scalability of Web servers efficiently, many famous Web sites have thrown away single servers and turned into Web server clusters. Request-dispatching is a technology used by these sites, which centrally accepts all the coming requests and “evenly” dispatches them to the servers in the cluster.“Round-robin”, “Least-connections” and “Fastest Connection” algorithms which Commonly used request-dispatching show low efficiencies, because they either do not consider the difference in performance between servers or do not consider the contents of coming HTTP requests. In this paper, the authors give a novel algorithm designed for heterogeneous Web server clusters, called LTI (least time increment), which considers not only the deference in performance between servers, but also the contents of coming HTTP requests and the current load level of each server in the cluster. They also give the reformed edition of LTI algorithm, namely LTI+, which can judge whether the cluster is closed to the critical state and prevent such trend. Theoretical analysis and real system test show that the algorithm achieves better response latency and throughput than “Least connections” and “Fastest Connection” algorithms. So it makes the Web server clusters more parallel and more scaleable.

    • Differential Diagnosis Based on Generalized Causal Theory

      1999, 10(7):719-723.

      Abstract (3473) HTML (0) PDF 244.27 K (4450) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Many researchers have applied the concept of causation to model-based diagnosis. However, their researches are limited to simple causal theory. In this paper, the concept of generalized causal theory that contains more information is proposed. It is pointed out that the diagnostic space of a generalized causal theory is smaller than or equal to that of the corresponding simple causal theory. Furthermore, generalized causal theory is applied to the area of test. It is demonstrated that for closed generalized causal theory, the abductive differential diagnosis is equivalent to the consistency-based differential diagnosis.

    • Research and Implementation of Transaction Identifier

      1999, 10(7):724-729.

      Abstract (3837) HTML (0) PDF 315.58 K (4456) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The assignment of transaction identifiers is one of the important factors influencing the per-formance of nested transactions. In this paper, the requirements which the transaction process poses on the transaction identifiers under the nested transaction model are analysed. Based on this, a series of efficient and practical assignment strategies are proposed, and the bit-based transaction identifier strategy is implemented in the object-oriented database system——KDOODB (KeDa object oriented database). At last, the performance evaluation results are given.

    • Multiple Minimum General Generalization

      1999, 10(7):730-736.

      Abstract (3835) HTML (0) PDF 329.41 K (4776) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the authors present a kind of generalized least general generalization, called MGG (multiple minimum general generalization), under generalized θ-subsumption. MGG does effectively reduce the generalization of inductive hypotheses to extent, such that the problem of over-generalization is satisfactorily overcome. For computing MGG efficiently, the relation between normal generalization and MGG is studied and an algorithm CMGG (clustering-based multiple minimum general generalization) based on concept clustering is proposed, which can effectively figure out MGG and reflect accurately the internal relation of the set of learning examples.

    • An Alternative Covering Design Algorithm of Multi-layer Neural Networks

      1999, 10(7):737-742.

      Abstract (8692) HTML (0) PDF 705.95 K (6208) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the authors present a new principle for designing a sort of multi-layer weight-sum-and -threshold neural networks. The design process consists of two steps. First, each class of the given training samples is covered by using neighbor coverings as less as possible. Then a neural network is specifically designed by an approach called alternative covering algorithm. The simulation results of two representative hard classification problems are shown. One is so called “two spirals separation” problem, the other is “the learning problem of infinitetraining samples”. These simulation results are given to illustrate the effectiveness of the new method.

    • Research of Software Architecture Based on GenVoca Model

      1999, 10(7):743-748.

      Abstract (3863) HTML (0) PDF 306.08 K (4532) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:GenVoca is a domain-independent model of hierarchical software system design and construction that is based on large-scale reuse. This model is a blueprint for implementing software component technologies in many domains. In this paper, the authors discuss the main features of GenVoca model and present a reusable graphical editor (GE) software architecture based on this model. They explain the realms and their components of the architecture, examine the relations between these components, and show how combining these components into some graphical editors is achieved.

    • A Multidimensional Scaling Based Algorithm for Fast Mining Association Rules

      1999, 10(7):749-753.

      Abstract (4132) HTML (0) PDF 204.86 K (5890) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Mining association rules is a major aspect of data mining research. In this paper, on the basis of analyzing the basic properties of the problem of mining association rules and multidimensional scaling, the authors propose a new multidimensional scaling based algorithm for fast mining association rules, which projects each data item on multidimensional space according to the association scaling between data items, and then reduces the dimensions of the space. Finally, the algorithm generates association rul...

    • An Efficient Algorithm for Discovering Association Rules Based on Vertical Data Layout

      1999, 10(7):754-760.

      Abstract (3676) HTML (0) PDF 292.59 K (4581) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the authors analyze the methods to generate and test frequent itemsets in existing algorithms in KDD research, and put forward a new efficient algorithm for discovering association rules based on vertical data layout. This algorithm has no need of Hash data structure and makes only two databases scans. As a result, the algorithm not only facilitates the implementation, but also improves the efficiency.

    • A Shell Algorithm for Solid on Boundary Representation

      1999, 10(7):761-765.

      Abstract (3841) HTML (0) PDF 198.31 K (4865) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The shell operation of solid is an effective method to construct a solid with shape of thin shell. In this paper, the authors describe the mathematical definition of shell operation on regular solid with boundary representation, and present an algorithm for shell operation. The algorithm implements the solid's 3D operation by 2D merging operation of loops in surface's parametric region. So the complexity of problem is reduced.

    • First-Order Disunification

      1999, 10(7):766-771.

      Abstract (3176) HTML (0) PDF 221.00 K (4174) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:In this paper, the authors discuss the first-order disunification and the algorithm for computing the complete set of disunifiers. There are many methods for solving unification problem, the method by using translation rules has been thoroughly studied. Many translation rules are also given out in the study of disunification problem. By using translation rules, people usually get some solved forms for the problem. In this paper, the authors are concerted with the method for giving out the complete set of disunifiers based on solved forms. The method becomes more convenient and direct by using functions Gθand Z.

    • The Problem of Shortest Path in 3D Space

      1999, 10(7):772-777.

      Abstract (3680) HTML (0) PDF 269.97 K (4726) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:The problem of computing the euclidean shortest path between two points in the three dimensional space bounded by a collection of convex disjoint polyhedral obstacles is known to be NP-hard and in exponential time for arbitrarily many obstacles. It can be solved in O(n2) time for single convex polyhedron obstacle (here n is the total number of vertices of polyhedron). In this paper, the author mainly researchs the shortest problem of the case of two convex polyhedral obstacles, and presents an algorithm that solves this problem in O(n2) time, and improves improving significantly previous best result On3logn) for this special case. On the other hand, the author also presents a better result O(∑12i-1n2i) for the problem of shortest path amidst a fixed number of convex polyhedral obstacles.

    • An Extended BDI Logic for Modeling Multi-agent Communication

      1999, 10(7):778-784.

      Abstract (3784) HTML (0) PDF 356.42 K (4746) Comment (0) Favorites

      Abstract:Although BDI approach is currently a subject of much ongoing research, less relative works about modeling communication have been involved. The aim of this paper is to extend classical BDI logic for representing and reasoning about speech act interactions between multi agents. A many-sorted, quantified, first-order, multi-modal logic with branching time structure is presented, including standard BDI modal and temporal operators like belief, goal, intention, etc. In addition, some operators and constructs are introduced for characterizing agents' “know-how” or having plans about how to achieve their intentions and for interpreting the pragmatic meanings of inter-agent communication. While discussing the syntax and semantics of the logic, some kinds of illocutionary speech acts are logically classified and interpreted.

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Table of Contents




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