YIN Qinghua , LI Gansheng , LI Ying
1997, 8(3).
Abstract:Generic unit is an important aspect characteristic of ADA. Most ADA compilers make several passes, one of which devoted signally to the preprocession of generic unit. There are also compilers that scan more than once for the procession of generic units. This paper proposed a new approach to processing of generic unit in ADA compilers in one pass, which is applied to the compiler system of PC/UNIX ADA Z, and had some satisfactory results.
WEN Yuhong , WANG Dingxing , SHEN Meiming
1997, 8(3):161-169.
Abstract:Network computing of workstation cluster systems has brought about a lot of new research problems to the applications in the distributed parallel computing environ-ments,and has become a hot-Spot research problem in the parallel processing.How to allocate the workstation processors and map the parallel tasks onto the allocated processors will greatly influence the parallel computing performance of the applications.This paper analyzes the system performance parameters in homogeneous network computing and then introduces a fast efficient heuristic processor allocation algorithm.
HUANG Yihua , YOU Xiaobai , JI Yuan , YANG Wenqing , ZHANG Fuyan
1997, 8(3):170-177.
Abstract:This paper discusses the design of the data and structure model for a cooperative authoring system for large storage document based on Chinese hypermedia. It emphasizes on some key data and structure models such as distributed document base, document catalog tree, node and link table, multimedia object, document retrieval index and structure model for whole hypermedia system.
1997, 8(3):178-182.
Abstract:In this paper, the problem of management information share for implementing the unified network management under the heterogeneous network enviroment has been proposed. Therefore, the author probes and analyses deep some migration methods which are used for implementing the management information share worldwide today.
GU Ning , LIN Zongkai , GUO Yuchai
1997, 8(3):183-189.
Abstract:According tO the features of engineering domains.this paper presents a semantic hypergraph model based on relation and network,in order to express many tO many relations of different semantic classes.The management mechanism expressed by the model and the basic data of databases are managed and run in main memory,thus the access efficiency of engineering data is increased.C language interface which includes general and spacial functionalities is proposed for meeting requirements of engineering applications.The EDBMS(engineering database management system)with above research results is implemented and has been actually used for engineering domains.
JIANG Yueping , WANG Wei , SHI Baile , DONG Jirun
1997, 8(3):190-196.
Abstract:This paper introduces a generic model for ERS(ECA rule systems). By extending the definition of system state and transition, it formally describes the semantics of rule processing. It furtherly investigates the behavioral determinism of a given ECA rulebase, including termination and behavioral consistency. The relative definitions and decision criteria which are given in this paper can form the theoretical base of static analysis tools for an ERS.
DONG Zhe , LIU Lin , TIAN Laisheng
1997, 8(3):197-203.
Abstract:AC++ is concurrent C++ based on actor model. This paper introduces the design and implementation of AC++. The authors proposed some new skills, such as “extended behavior abstract” and “asynchronous creating”, which make the new language maintain basic features of object oriented language and support parallel computing as well.
LIU Yunsheng , HU Guoling , SHU Liangcai
1997, 8(3):204-209.
Abstract:In this paper, the authors present transaction pre analysis and data I/O strategies of a main memory database to support real time transactions. A real time transaction is firsly pre analyzed to get the information about access behavior of the transaction, the system performs data I/O between main memory and secondary storage (if necessary) based on the information. Therefore, the main memory database requirements are implemented and thus real time transactions are supported.
CHEN Songcan , GAO Hang , ZHU Wujia
1997, 8(3):210-213.
Abstract:Based on Kohonen'S GIAM(generalized inverse associative memory)and Murakami'S LSAM(1east squares associative memory)principles, an exponential associa-tive memory is presented in this paper.The computer simulations have shown that the associative performance of the proposed model is superior to those of GIAM and LSAM,and its recall for stored data is almost perfect only via adjusting its parameter.The model does not require a prior assumption to noise variances and realizes nonlinear mapping between inputs and outputs to some extent.
1997, 8(3):214-219.
Abstract:The process of understanding natural language is the process of model construction. This paper emploies constructive logic as the theory of model augmentation of natural language, presents the method of incremental model construction.
CHEN Shaoqiang , YANG Fangchun , CHEN Junliang
1997, 8(3):220-234.
Abstract:Generic unit is an important aspect characteristic of ADA.Most ADA compilers make several passes,one of which devoted signally to the preprocession of generic unit.There are also compilers that scan more than once for the procession of generic units.This paper proposed a new approach to processing of generic unit in ADA compilers in one pass,which is applied to the compiler system of PC/UNIX ADA-Z,and had some satisfactory results.
LI Qiaoyun , LI Jiandong , KANG Zhuo , DAI Dawei , KANG Lishan
1997, 8(3):235-240.
Abstract:This paper proposes a new communication agent,called CORA(commonobject request agent).The purpose of this approach is to improve the reliability of commu-nication using time-out in open distributed system based on client/server model.In CORA model, the application client could have more control over server'S processing the request through the feedback mechanism of timesegment transaction.and provide time-out's handling for preventing the bad propagation of the partial failure SO that the whole system becomes more rohust.