CAI Yong , LIU Xuehui , WU Enhua
1997, 8(10):722-728.
Abstract:The most important goal of the virtual reality is to create a virtual world by computers to allow users control the virtual objects interactively.Traditionally,the virtual reality systems use 3D computer graphics to model and render a virtual environment in real time.However,this approach usually requires laborious modeling and expensive spe-cial purpose rendering hardware.The rendering quality and scene complexity are often re-stricted due to the real-time constraint.Image-based rendering is a new approach in com-posing a virtual environment in which a set of panoramic images are used to compose the virtual environment and walk in the space is accomplished by“hopping”to different panoramic points.This paper provides a model for creating an image-based virtual reality system.By using this model,an experience system referred to as QUICK SHOW is ac-complished with some additional image tools implemented.
GUO Honghui , PENG Qunsheng , LI Jie
1997, 8(10):729-737.
Abstract:A method of reconstruction of the pulmonary alveolus based on the serial microtomies is presented. It includes eliminating the noises, adjusting the gray level, correcting the geometric distortion and resuming the morphology. An Exclusive -Or Index registration method based on pyramid structure is proposed to accelerate the displacement correction. Experirnents show that this method is fit for the reconstruction of many other tlssues.
1997, 8(10):738-744.
Abstract:Art pattern composition knowledge representation is the basis of the intelli gence of computer-aided art pattern design.Computational imagery is a simulation of the human mental image.The paper describes an art pattern composition knowledge represen tation scheme based on computational imagery.It includes the deep representation,visual representation and spatial representation,and the operations of these three representations.It represents the art pattern layout'S subshapes’visual shape and spatial relation to consititute the representation of the layout,contains their abstract and image information.
1997, 8(10):745-751.
Abstract:In 90's,client/server computing is a mainstream paradigms of distributed computing.With the applications spread,there are new technical challenges to developdistributed client/server computing environment,including systems integration on applica-tion codes level,intelligent services,and supporting cooperative work.The paper discuss-es the architecture and design of Galaxy distributed client/server computing environment.The environment focus on technologies of systems integration,making process on above issues.
1997, 8(10):752-759.
Abstract:Based on the scalability on NOWs (networks of workstations), this paper proposes an adaptive migration and coscheduling model DASIC(dynamic adaptive scalable process migration and coscheduling). DASIC takes not only coscheduling to schedule in teractive processes simultaneously, but also adaptive migrating to satisfy the system s dy namics and scalability. It can grow, shrink and load balance to adjust the processes scheduling status in the process space, and the processor pool can be expanded or shrinked.
1997, 8(10):760-767.
Abstract:Based on the concepts such as needed set, needed position and so on, needed parallel-outermost reduction strategy is introduced in this paper. By minimizing needed sets, this strategy is complete for the regular term rewriting systems, is efficient like call by need strategy, and can satisfy all demands of applicability, efficiency andcomputability.
LIU Guiquan , CHEN Enhong , CAI Qingsheng
1997, 8(10):768-771.
Abstract:ILP(inductive logic programming) is a newly developed field within machine learning. It focuses on the problem of constructing concept definitions from the examples and the background knowledge. This paper studies the learning method based on ILP and its application in expert systems.
1997, 8(10):772-780.
Abstract:The relations between different linear RaRb transformations are described.Based on the reduced echelon matrix,an algorithm MRab is proposed.By using the stan-dard linear RaRb transformations,the equivalence of the output equation system of MRab to the image equation system of linear RaRb transformations is proved.After discussion about the relations between the algorithm MRab and ALT,the following conclusion is obtained:it is unnecessary for the finite automaton public key cryptosystem FAPKC3 to include an-other cheek process in the key generator to seive out a finite automaton of which a weak in-verse can be obtained by ALT.
LIU Haiyan , CHEN Huowang , WANG Bingshan
1997, 8(10):781-787.
Abstract:A new QLC(quantificational logic of context), is defined in this paper, which embodies more logical properties of context. Then cases when QLC has equality and when domain-specific axioms are stated in different context sequences are discussed, McCarthy s circumseription theory is also introduced into QLC.
LUO Tiegeng , CHEN Huowang , GONG Zhenghu , QI Zhichang
1997, 8(10):788-792.
Abstract:ELOTOS is an extension of protocol specification language LOTOS which is an ISO standard. In this paper, the authors try to give the semantics of ELOTOS by defining a derivation system (like LOTOS).Then, from LTS (labeled transition system ) of restricted ELOTOS, they construct the TFSM(trace finite state machine) for trace semantics, and TFSM is a kind of performance evaluation model.
WU Chunming , ZHANG Youjun , ZHU Miaoliang
1997, 8(10):793-797.
Abstract:A general-purpose robot programming environment Robix, which is based on heterogeneous distributed network, is presented in this paper. It provides share data mechanism and distributed interrupt which is essential to a real-time system. Also an effec ti ve communication between processes is proposed. Successfully, Robix has been applied in an outdoor autonomous mobile robot ATB1 to integrate the system.
1997, 8(10):798-800.
Abstract:The concept of the successful set of SLD-game tree is introduced in this paper. The author shows that the SLD-game tree established the identical successful set using any computation rule. This fact is called the independence of the computation rule for SLD-game tree.