Fei Zongming; , Zhang Jiazhong , Xu Jiafu
1994, 5(5):1-7.
Abstract:This paper proposes the idea that explanation - based learning method be used to learn algorithm schemes, with the aim to enhance the ability to transform from functional specification to design specification of software automation system. It gives representation of algorithm schemes, definition of operational criterion and processing method in detail. System can use algorithm schemes learned to solve other problems, which is impossible without learning.
Liu Decai; , Wang Dingxing; , Shen Meiming , Zheng Weimin
1994, 5(5):8-15.
Abstract:This paper, from application viewpoint, analyzes the potential in data parallelism. First, they propose a speedup analysis model. Then, based on the model a comprehensive analysis on speedup is presented. These analytical results could be used to guide the design of parallel processing systems as well as parallel algorithms.
1994, 5(5):16-25.
Abstract:Circumscription is an important theory for formalizing the commonsense reasoning. This paper mainly studies the possibility of transforming some special kinds of circumscription into the object-oriented logic language ──SCKE. A compiler has been implemented to complete the transformation. Running the result program in terms of the semantics of the object -oriented logic program, the same results as the original circumscriptive theory can be reached. So the nonmonotonic inheritance in the object-oriented logic language can be achieved to support the commonsense reasoning.
1994, 5(5):26-38.
Abstract:This paper presents a tool called TUGEN which is used for automatic test suite derivation from formal protocol specification. TUGEN is based on a formal model called EBE (External Behavior Expression) which can be obtained from formal protocol specification in either Estelle of LOTOS. This model specifies only the external behavior of a protocol in terms of the input/output sequences and their logical (function and predicate) relations. Based on the EBE specification of a protocol, a test sequence derivation method is used to identify associations between inputs and outputs through the interaction paths and their I/O subpaths, then generic test cases specified in TTCN (Tree and Tabular Combined Notation) can be generated from these I/O subpaths. Comparison of test cases generated from this tool and those in ISO/IEC DIS 8882 part 2 for X. 25 LAPB protocol shows that the resulting set of test cases of TUGEN is concise and effective. It is our belief that TUGEN can be a powerful utility for protocol test suite generation.
1994, 5(5):39-45.
Abstract:he attributed diagraph is presented to specify the structure and properties of data flow diagrams (DFD), and a binary relation called the edge (flow) composition relation is proposed as the base on which the notion of balance between a DFD and its child DFD is formally defined. By using the above-mentioned approach, this paper provides a formal specification of DFD which is stronger than those found in the literature. Moreover, this approach applies to different sorts of DFD, including DeMarco DFD, DFD for real-time systems and so on.
He Qinming; , Wang Shenkang , Yu Ruizhao
1994, 5(5):46-51.
Abstract:olving Problems through serially removing differences is a kind of problem decomposition. The order of differences to be removed can be planned based on the analysis of operators. The main idea of this plan is to attain next subgoal without undoing the last attained subgoal. Thus, during problem decomposition, those subgoals which keep the operators most usable are chosen, some what like the least constraint propagation.When a set of hierarchic subgoals is generated, the search of initial problem is to attain a serial of subgoals in the set, during which backtracking may happen.
Xing Guangrong , Zheng Guoliang , Li Xuandong
1994, 5(5):52-57.
Abstract:his paper describes a method for automatically analyzing programs. Its implication is that a program consists of some elementary components which interact each other in stereotyped models, hence the authors may give some standard analyzing methods to analyze and understand programs automatically.
1994, 5(5):58-64.
Abstract:Aimed at the scheduling problem of Partially Ordered Set(POS) tasks, Temporal Interval (TI) -based and TI-evaluation-based hierarchical scheduling model is established. It is organically combined with beam search method so that the scheduling algorithm in this paper has the advantages of small searching space and high solving speed.