Yang Fuqing , Wu Liangzhi , Hong Jianshun
1994, 5(2):1-5.
Abstract:In this paper, based on simulated annealing approch, the authors first implement floorplan algorithm for VLSI using object oriented method on the I″Jade Birds″system of integrated software engineering supporting environment.This algorithm can process rectangular and L shaped modules. Programming process can be cut short obviously when object oriented method of software development is applied.It raises developing effectiveness of system obviously to use″Jade Birds″system supporting development work.
Tian Xinmin , Wang Dingxing , Shen Meiming , Zheng Weimin
1994, 5(2):6-13.
Abstract:One of the most issues on exploiting effective parallelism is how to dynamically control parallel task derivation. In this paper,based on the ideal state of parallel tasks deriving, Eager Task Deriving (ETD)and Lazy Task Deriving(LDT) methods are analysed and discussed briefly, drawbacks of ETD and LTD are also presented. A practical Eager Lazy method is proposed for dynamically Deriving parallel Tasks (ELDT). The exprimental results have shown that ELDT can effectively control and increase the granularit
1994, 5(2):14-21.
Abstract:This paper presents a concurrency control mechanism in knowledgebase system.The mechanism is based on database concurrency control 2PL (TWO PHASE LOCKING),it uses relate cover’concept to reduce the number of objects to be locked. This method has been proved to guarantee serializability and correctness.
1994, 5(2):22-28.
Abstract:Within the paper the idea and some implementation technique of reflective objects in OOPL ROL are introduced systematically. The use of reflective objects is for the complicated management in OODB and for more intelligent behaviours of objects. The problems of encapsulation and efficiency arising from the introduction of reflection are also discussed with possible solutions.
Xiao Hong , Qiu Yulan , Peng Dechun
1994, 5(2):29-36.
Abstract:In a distributed computing system,process migration is a method by which executing processes may be transferred between nodes during their lifetime and resumed from the switch off point in the destination node. This paper addresses at length the implementation ways of process migration in the Wulor 75/32 and other typical distributed computing systems, as well as extensions to other system facilities:file systems, communication mechanisms and OS kernel for implementing process migration.
1994, 5(2):37-42.
Abstract:In this paper, a practical method by means of linear programming to implement learning by induction from examples has been developed. The method can be applied to the knowledge acquisition of many expert systems of classification.
1994, 5(2):43-47.
Abstract:he computational complexity of default reasoning has sparked interest in the possibility of determining extension in parallel. The Parallel Network Inference Algorithm (PNIA) of Etherington has supplied default reasoning with an effective approach,but it can’t compute all extensions,i. e., there is a problem of incompleteness in PNIA. In order to solve this problem, this paper presents a new parallel network inference algorithm.
Yao Li , Liu Fengqi , Wang Hao
1994, 5(2):48-56.
Abstract:This paper discusses the concepts, functions and realization of the propertylist structure and composite object. Propertylist structure and composite object are some additional knowledge representation structures, which are introduced into the knowledge based object oriented system with the purpose of making the knowledge representation more powerful.
1994, 5(2):57-64.
Abstract:his paper summarises the development of the concept of Computer Aided Software Engineering(CASE) from the first generation file based integrated UNIX environment to the repository based CASE environment in the early 1990s around data integration, control integration and presentation integration. So it introduces the integrated model of current CASE environment,the principle of the model with CAIS and PCTE as its integrated kernel and the origin of the repository in the late 1980s. Repository resulted frther developnment of PCTE and in 1988 ECMA presented repository-based Roast Bread caaomplishment integration model which is the basic model in the current research of CASE environment.Then it discribes the concept,principle,accomplishment methods and problems in repository in detail and points out that the repository-based CASE environment will have deeply influence on software development.At last,the state of the art of the research in repository-based CASE environment is briefly introduced.