1993, 4(1):1-5.
Abstract:In this paper, with the view that software process (SP) is a software too, we first discuss notations of its control and data structures. Through analysing the process model and its macrostructure, we present the construction principles of process model and three kinds of elementary control structures, i.e. , regular structure, backtrack structure and parallel structure; On the basis of the above, we analyse the complexity of SP and discuss the completeness of expression. Finally we show some instances of control of contril structures and control flows through describing activies during sP and activities in JSD methodology.
Ouyang Dantong , Sun Jigui , Liu Xuhua
1993, 4(1):6-11.
Abstract:Here we have proved the lifting lemma of paramodulation and the completeness of input paramodulation on Horn set, and then we have also proved the completeness of unit paramodulation on Horn set.
1993, 4(1):12-14.
Abstract:This paper describes an expert system representing knowledge with both rules and artificial neural networks, a model of three-layer feed-forward neural networks and its learning algorithm. It is indicated that representing knowledge with multiple forms is advantageous to system s flexibility and effectiveness.
1993, 4(1):15-21.
Abstract:Abstract Syntax Notation One (ASN.1) plays an important role in decription and development of OSI upper network protocol. The structure of ASN. I support system and OSI application protocol development environment (DE) based on ASN. 1 are presented in this paper, finally, some protocols developed in the DE are given.
Xu Chengzhong , Zhang Defu , Sun Zhongxiu
1993, 4(1):22-28.
Abstract:On a multiprocessor, load balancing is an essential technique to improve the performance of parallel processing by efficiently utilizing the processing power of the system. In this paper, we propose a dynamic and distributed algorithm for load balancing on TRAN-SCUBE, a multiprocessor system without shared memory. The algorithm adopts receiver-initiated asychronous strategy by which an idle processor first initiates a "hadshake" procedure to locate a heavily loaded processor, then absorbs som work from it.This algorithm is further demonstrated in the context of parallel soving of a maze problem.Simulated results show the it is effective and is more applicable to large size problems.
1993, 4(1):29-36.
Abstract:Code motion is an important global optimizing technology in a compiler. Here a new code motion algorithm is discussed, in which code motion (the elimination of common subexpression and the movement of loop-invariant computation, etc. )can be completed simply by data flow analysis without uncovering the loop structures embedded in the control flow graph, therefore it is a very efficient method.
1993, 4(1):37-42.
Abstract:The computer algebra system CASS1 is designed by algebraic simplification method. In this survey, we only discuss some important algorithms for the CASSI, including rational expression canonical simplification algorithm, unnested radical expression canonical simplification algorithm and one species transcendental expression simplification algorithm. As an attempt at computer algebra system canonical construction, CASS1 was implemented by algorithm description language ALDES~[5].
1993, 4(1):43-49.
Abstract:In the paper, we propose three levels of understanding for object-oriented programming (OOP): philosophy level, methodology level, and Language/environment level. We consider "object as intelligent agent" based on knowledge representation hypothesis. Along with the view, we discuss the methodology and architecture of OOP in AI software. ROOT, which is an AI programming Language and environment developed by our group, reflects the understanding discussed in the paper.
Xie Li , Chen Jun , Wu Junjie , Tan Yaoming , Sun Zhongxiu
1993, 4(1):50-55.
Abstract:This paper describes a knowledge-based operating system KZ10, which includes two parts: an intelligent human ?computer interface and a knowledge-based distributed task scheduler. The research and development provide an efficient and suitable operating system to the new generation computer system.
Fei Xianglin , Wang Hezhen , Wang Chengzao , Liao Lei
1993, 4(1):56-64.
Abstract:Object-oriented software construction is a kind of promising software methodology, and leads to a whole new way of solving problems. In the research on rapid construction of Structured Editor (SE) that support detailed design and coding in software development, a generator that can generate the SE has been applied as a metatool. The ker-nal of SE is a syntax-directed editor based on the object-oriented concepts. One of the key issue in the design of SE is how to represent the elements of a target language by means of the class conepts internall.In this paper key concrpts,design of the SE and its generator as well as implementation of a prototype are to be discussed.