1992, 3(2):1-8.
Abstract:In this paper, we have solved two problems in logic programming language, i.e., the selection of parallel execution model and the trade off between running efficiency and using flexibility. We proposed a new comprehension on "Algorithm=Logic+Control", designed and implemented a new programming language POLYLOG. In POLYLOG, the concept of meta control is introduced. The CCS Execution Model is taken to be the internal implied meta control mechanism, and the Relation Type is taken to be the external explicit meta control facility.The parallelism analysis is finished at the compilation time.
1992, 3(2):9-14.
Abstract:The ordered decomposition of problems is defined formally. And the conductive rate and the conductive branching factor are proposed to measure the interaction between subgoals, which provide a quantitative criterion for setting subgoals in practice. Furthermore, it is shown how to construct the transfer-station network, which is a kind of ordered decomposition in the structure of networks, and has more potentialities in application to problem solving to improve the system efficiency. Finally, an algorithm using this network,called Tw,is presented.
1992, 3(2):15-20.
Abstract:The run speed of a system of natural language processing is an extremely important bearing on developing the system itself. One of the cores of the system is a grammar parser. This paper gives the general sequencial algorithms of simple backtraking, thorough backtracking and pruning, which are used in a grammar parser, and some thinking about implementing these algorithms. Our experiments and analysis show that these algorithms are very efficient.
Lu Ruzhan , Han Qilong , Lin Kai; , Xi Hongwei , Sun Yongqiang
1992, 3(2):21-28.
Abstract:Equational Programming Language (EP) is a novel intelligence language. This paper describes our EP system based on equational logic. Its execution mechanism is pattern matching. The paper focuses the discussion on the improvement to bottom-up tree pattern matching. Our system has quick response time and strong descriptive power.
1992, 3(2):29-36.
Abstract:A prototype system for statistical/scientific data management based on bit vector storage structure, called VSSDB, is presented in this paper. The physical organization, query processing method and the time complexity model of the query processing are discussed. A new compression method for bit vectors is proposed also.
Fei Xianglin , Wang Hezhen , Wang Chengzao , Wei hong , Zhu Genjiang
1992, 3(2):37-44.
Abstract:As a field of research in software engineering, software Re-Engineering has started to attract wide attention in recent years.The key to the Re-Engineering activity is the ability to recover "lost" or otherwise unavailable information from the information available in the existing software source code.This paper introduces SAIS, An Integrated Rule-based System for Analysis of Software Sructure, which is designed to provide partially support to software maintenance and reverse-engineering activitie.The design,implementation,application and features of SAIS are bre briefly described in the paper.
Liu Lin , Xu Yongsen , Yan Ming
1992, 3(2):45-52.
Abstract:Jackson System Development method, JSD, is a famous operational software development approach in the 80 s. We designed a JSD-based graphical operational specification language-NUJSDL and a supporting systemNUJSDS which supports the use of the method in the practice of software development. NDJSDL has the characteristics of understandable, analysable and maintainable etc. The results of the different phases in JSD development procedures are described by the various mechanisms in NUJSDL separately. A specification and the transformation from specification to software procedural description.
1992, 3(2):53-59.
Abstract:This paper presents a fundamental architecture of software full phases automated/aided generating system (SAAGS) based on software engineering knowledge base and software engineering data base; discusses mainly integritive techniques and processes of SAAGS; describes concisely the design approaches of functional components and facilities of SAAGS.
1992, 3(2):60-64.
Abstract:Semantic resolution, lock resolution and linear resolution are three important improvements of resolution principle. In this paper we obtain the following results: semantic resolution and lock resolution are compatible under certain condition; semantic resolution and linear resolution are incompatible; linear resolution and lock resolution are compatible under certain condition. Obviously, the combination of any two compatible resolution principles is an improvement of the two original resolutions.