1990, 1(4):1-13.
Abstract:In this paper, a series of work and results of us in the field of equivalent transformations of recursive programs are sorted and summaried. Some new equivalent transformations and techniques presented in our paper expand the knowledge on Program Transformation on the same level.
Hu Yunfa , Hu Ziang , Gao Hongkui , Lu Zhaochuan
1990, 1(4):14-23.
Abstract:This paper discusses how heuristic control information from logic program are get to improve the imcompleteness and inefficiency resulting from the control strategy in PROLOG language system. Several heuristic rules and the proving of their correctness are given. With the use of these rules, the efficiency of logic programming system and the semantics of logic programming language can be improved. At the end of this paper, a heuristic WAM(HWAM) is given, and several examples are listed to explain that HWAM is more efficient and more complete the WAM.
1990, 1(4):24-39.
Abstract:In this paper, a new method for representing the surface of revolution using rational B-splines in CAD is described. If the profile curve has been denoted by a nonuniform rational quadratic B-spline curve, it is very convenient to represent the surface of revolution as a nonuniform rational biquadratic B-spline surface. Thus we can treat circular cylindric surface, circular conic surface, torus, sphere, surface of revolution and free surfaces by one computer procedure. It is useful in CAD. Finally, we give some examples for representing surface of revolution and sphere as rational B-spline patches.
1990, 1(4):40-47.
Abstract:In this paper we provides an overview of KBASE ?a knowledge base system supported by a relational database management system. It follows a safe and efficient query-evaluation approach of compiling the query-patterns given by the user into Relational Algebraic Processing (RAP) trees. After the whole architecture and the inferrence mechanisms of KBASE is presented, we describes thoroughly the rule normalization technique used in KBASE. Three kinds of normal form are clarified. The transformation algorithms and good properties of each kind of normal form are also given.
Dong Shihai , Zhang Yongming , Wang Lei
1990, 1(4):48-54.
Abstract:BD-GKS3D is a 3D graphical support software developed according to the international standard GKS-3D (ISO 8805). This paper discusses the principles of designing this software: conforming to the international standard, and as fast as possible efficiency; the implementing strategies, which include the compatability of GKS and GKS-3D, clipping and transformation, implementing environment, data structure of the segment and 3D input, etc. Finally, the amount of work of developing BD-GKS3D, the relations between CKS-3D and PHIGS,CGI are discussed.
1990, 1(4):55-64.
Abstract:Basing upon a strict mathematical theory, the programming language FFP[1] is a purely functional programming language and a subset of the reduction language L4[2,3]. In this paper the object-oriented programming (OOP) paradigm is considerably succinctly embeded in the FFP-AST system. By this means, on the one hand, it- is revealed that the object-oriented programming paradigm (OOPP) and the functional programming paradigm (FPP) are closely related. On the other hand, the semantics of OOPP described by the FFP-AST is settled.In essence,a programming language is proposed,being possessed of both FPP and OOPP.To put it in a nutshell,the methodology penetrating the work in this paper is the idea of closely integrting the automation with practice.