Abstract:In this study, the problem of mining cluster frequent patterns in time-ordered transaction data is discussed for the first time. To deal with redundant operations when the Naive algorithm solves this problem, the improved cluster frequent pattern mining (ICFPM) algorithm is proposed. The algorithm uses two optimization strategies. On the one hand, it can use the defined parameter minCF to effectively reduce the search space of mining results; on the other hand, it can refer to the discriminative results of (n–1)-itemsets to accelerate the discriminative process of cluster frequent n-itemset. The algorithm also applies the ICFPM-list structure to reduce the overhead of the candidate n-itemsets construction. Simulation experiments based on two real-world datasets demonstrate the effectiveness of the ICFPM algorithm. Compared with the Naive algorithm, the ICFPM algorithm improves substantially in terms of time and space efficiency, which makes it an effective method for solving clustered frequent pattern mining.